A. Padoan, J. Coulson, H. J. van Waarde, Data-driven dissipativity analysis of optimization algorithms, CDC24.
Journal papers
A. Padoan, Model reduction by least squares moment matching for linear and nonlinear systems, IEEE TAC, 2023. arXiv code
A. Padoan, F. Forni, R. Sepulchre, Balanced truncation for model reduction of biological oscillators, Biological Cybernetics, 2021. PDF
A. Padoan, F. Forni, R. Sepulchre, Model reduction of dominant feedback systems, Automatica, 2021. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Singularities and moments of nonlinear systems, IEEE TAC, 2019. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Moments of random variables: a systems-theoretic interpretation, IEEE TAC, 2019. PDF
A. Padoan, G. Scarciotti, A. Astolfi, A geometric characterisation of the persistence of excitation condition for the solutions of autonomous systems, IEEE TAC, 2017. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, A note on delay coordinates for locally observable analytic systems, IEEE TAC, 2015. PDF
Conference papers
A. Rimoldi, C. Cenedese, A. Padoan, F. Dörfler, J. Lygeros, Urban traffic congestion control: a DeePC change, ECC24. arXiv
A. Padoan, F. Dörfler, J. Lygeros, Data-driven representations of conical, convex, and affine behaviors, CDC23. arXiv
A. Padoan, J. Coulson, F. Dörfler, Controller implementability: a data-driven approach, CDC23. arXiv
J. Berberich, A. Iannelli, A. Padoan, J. Coulson, F. Dörfler, F. Allgöwer, A quantitative and constructive proof of Willems’ Fundamental Lemma and its implications, ACC23. arXiv
T. Chaffey, A. Padoan, Circuit model reduction with scaled relative graphs, CDC22. arXiv
A. Padoan, J. Coulson, H. J. van Waarde, J. Lygeros, F. Dörfler, Behavioral uncertainty quantification for data-driven control, CDC22. arXiv
A. Padoan, On model reduction by least squares moment matching, CDC, 2021. arXiv code
A. Padoan, F. Forni, R. Sepulchre, Model reduction by balanced truncation for dominant Lure systems, IFAC, 2020. arXiv
A. Padoan, F. Forni, R. Sepulchre, The norm as the differential gain of a -dominant system, CDC, 2019. arXiv
A. Padoan, F. Forni, R. Sepulchre, Dominance margins for feedback systems, NOLCOS, 2019. arXiv
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, On the notion of moment at a pole of a nonlinear system, MTNS, 2018. arXiv
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Dimension estimation for nonlinear systems, ECC, 2018. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Eigenvalues and poles of a nonlinear system: A geometric approach, CDC, 2017. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Model reduction by moment matching at isolated singularities for linear systems: A geometric approach, CDC, 2017. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Model reduction by moment matching at isolated singularities for linear systems: A complex analytic approach, IFAC, 2017. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Moments of random variables: a system-theoretic interpretation, ACC, 2017. PDF
A. Padoan, G. Scarciotti, A. Astolfi, A geometric characterisation of persistently exciting sequences generated by discrete-time autonomous systems, CDC, 2016. PDF
A. Padoan, G. Scarciotti, A. Astolfi, A geometric characterisation of persistently exciting signals generated by autonomous systems, NOLCOS, 2016. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Nonlinear system identification for autonomous systems via functional equations methods, ACC, 2016. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Towards deterministic subspace identification for autonomous nonlinear systems, CDC, 2015. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Dimension estimation for autonomous nonlinear systems, CDC, 2015. PDF
A. Padoan, A. Astolfi, Model reduction by moment matching for ZIP systems, CDC, 2014. PDF
Ph.D. Thesis
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